Well, what a great summer we’ve had! So many good times, culminating in our Day of Dance in Lympstone and Topsham in the company of our good friends Great Western Morris, Exeter Morris and Cogs and Wheels.
We still have some of our 40th Anniversary events to look forward to but it’s also time to start thinking about our practice season. It would be lovely to welcome some new dancers this year.
If you have ever thought about giving it a go now is the time. We are jointly hosting a have-a go evening with Exeter Morris on Thursday 6th October in Exeter Cathedral Chapter House. It’s worth coming along just for a chance to dance in such a lovely venue!
Our regular practices start up again from Wednesday October 12th, at 8.00 pm at Bowhill Primary School, Buddle Lane, St Thomas.
Don’t forget that we also welcome new musicians.
See you there!